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Purchases: Stores

Methods of Payment:

We accept several options for payment in addition to through our website.  The current online payment feature does cost a fee.

To avoid an extra 4.3% applied to your total, we recommend the following:


Recommended Forms of Payment:

  • Cash​

  • Venmo @MusicLessonsEugene

  • Paypal @MusicLessonsEugene

  • Cashapp $MusicLessonsEugene

  • Check written to Music Lessons Eugene

    • Provided to the instructor (for upcoming month, on/before last lesson of current month)​

    • Mailed to: PO BOX 1551 Eugene, OR 97440


None of the options above involve a service fee. ​

If the website option works best for you : Monthly total x 1.043 = Total due


You may use the $5 "travel reimbursement" option to reach your calculated total.

You may need to round up to the nearest $5. 


(We are looking into a better system for online payments, and appreciate your understanding) 

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button
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